It’s Time to Address Gaps in Rural BIPOC Community Healthcare!
Untold stories of stigma can profoundly affect our health. HIV disproportionately affects BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Colour) communities. This Stamina not Stigma event centres BIPOC voices.
How can our stories of resistance and resilience help fill in the gaps?
As rural living BIPOC peers, how do we help one another navigate stigmatizing healthcare processes?
How do we advocate for health equity within systems that are rooted in our oppression?
How can we best recognize our interconnectedness as society members yearning to experience optimal health?
The intention of this event is to identify the discrepancies built into the existing healthcare models that impact our lives. Our aim is to provide a safer place to share BIPOC stories where we can also discuss what meaningful allyship might look and feel like in the context of BIPOC community-based health.
Elder Valerie Nicholson, HIV peer navigator, and poet-activist Shamana Ali, in conjunction with the Stamina not Stigma project, invite regional BIPOC community members to co-create greater awareness around our personal and cultural health needs.
Monday November 29, 2021 @ 7 pm PT
About Stamina not Stigma events:
“Nothing about us, without us!” was the rallying cry in the early days of an earlier global pandemic. AIDS is more than a disease. From kitchen tables around the world, the most afflicted and their allies launched what eventually became the first intersectional global healthcare movement.
Join Stamina not Stigma for multiple online events, each featuring the voices of a specific population. Allies are encouraged to attend and listen, as well as commit to integrating community-based healthcare knowledge into their lives and work.
Stamina not Stigma offers participants an opportunity to share stories of resistance and resilience. Each event begins with a member of the Southern Gulf Islands AIDS Society telling our community story of how a small group of Gulf Islanders living with HIV self-organized for support and survival. Each session then proceeds into discussion of how the resulting knowledge, skills, and experience can apply to other groups and situations, and specifically address the theme of each of the unique events in the series.
The Stamina not Stigma project will bring the voices of often underrepresented communities to regional rural healthcare providers in January 2022 with the intention to provide community-based healthcare knowledge as a form of role relief to rural healthcare systems.